13 SkyMall Products for Kids You Might Want to Skip

You probably heard SkyMall, the ubiquitous magazine that sat in the “seat back pocket in front of you” recently filed for bankruptcy. Known for their random, bizarre, and - let’s be honest - sometimes useless items, the magazine was always good for killing the time between “we’ve closed the cabin door, please turn off all electronic devices” and 10,000 feet. But now we live in a world where SkyMall no longer exists and can only survive with the fond memories of its products.

Some of the best - err, creative - items were geared toward kids and parents. Sure we all need a personal doughnut deep fryer and a toaster that heats up hot dogs but some of the crazy things Skymall offers for kids  are too much.

Here are 13 items that you probably won’t miss as SkyMall flies into the sunset.

Night Riderz Lighted Zipline $200.00


World’s Largest Toe Tap Piano $79.95

Kid Safe Driveway Guard $100.00


Giraffe $99.99



Voice Activated Star Wars R2-D2 $199.95


Fire Truck Roadster Pedal Car  $369.99


Bieber Manual Kids Toothbrush $2.99


Hushamok Okoa Baby MySeat with Stand $649.99


Italtrike Blue Line Tricycle $101.79


Alligator $99.99


Happy Giddy Bowling Set $19.99


Crayon Toolbelt-Red/Blue $17.64


Personalized Shopping Cart 69.99


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