How to Perform CPR on a Baby

We’ve talked before about the importance of knowing CPR in the event of an emergency. Many parents recall learning years ago, but often those skills and memories fade without some updating or practice.

Young children often don’t understand the many dangers lurking around them, but also frequently don’t take the word “No!” very seriously. Most incidents requiring the application of baby CPR come about due to preventable accidents such as falls, choking, and accidental poisoning. Our friends at Carrington College put together this CPR guide showing just how you can be a lifesaver in an emergency.

Dads Saving Babies’ Lives

Dads all over the world have successfully used CPR to save a little one’s life. Scott Howey in New Zealand found that his CPR skills came in handy when his baby daughter was born sooner than he and his wife had anticipated and suddenly stopped breathing before emergency services arrived. Lin Ming-Wei in Taiwan used CPR to save his two-year-old son’s life after their plane crashed into a river. Eli Thomas in Ohio used CPR to save his two-year-old child who had run off to the pool when mom and dad weren’t looking. After successfully reviving his son Rhys, Eli has been actively encouraging parents to learn how to administer CPR to a young child.

How to Learn Baby CPR

Although the above CPR guide is helpful, it is only that. It’s still a good idea to take a course if you are serious about learning infant CPR correctly. Thankfully, a number of organizations offer this form of training, including the American Heart Association, Red Cross, the National CPR Foundation and local community colleges. Some workplaces offer CPR training for free, and taking advantage of such a training course can certainly be a good idea. If you can’t learn at work, research classes in your area to see which one is the best fit for your schedule and budget.

Better Safe Than Sorry

If you’re like us, you probably find it challenging to juggle your work and family responsibilities. Making time to learn CPR will likely mean putting off other important things that need to be done. However, infant CPR is a skill that every father needs to know. Administering CPR as soon as possible is so important that parents are advised to not stop and call 911 until CPR has been given for two full minutes. Consider how to fit CPR training into your schedule and put a priority on learning how to save your baby’s life should the need arise.

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